annual report

Everything you need to know about our Company

Dear Readers,

I take immense pleasure to present the Annual report of our school to apprise you all, how the Mission and philosophy of the J. B. Memorial Manas Academy have materialized positively in the day to day working of our school in the voyage of the discovery of excellence in the field of education. There have been many changes at the School this year in terms of high expectations, communication, behavioral management, professional development, technology, and above all, academics. Teachers worked together in various training sessions to align their curriculum and understand Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation. This vertical alignment will assure that students are learning all that they should be as they progress through our academic program. We cater to students from all sections of society and we recognize this as a challenge and have actively worked to develop systems and processes to deal with this issue by taking extra and remedial classes. We are a CBSE affiliated school and we are maintaining the quality in running the school as per the requirement of CBSE norms. At present, there are aprox. 2000 students on roll with 47 Teachers, 1 Administrative staff and 28 supporting staff.